The city of Cantú, Italy
Smart parking lot on mobile data
A new addition amongst parking lots monitored by the ParkingDetection is this time from the city of Cantú in Italy. The parking lot has 46 spots monitored by two cameras installed on the public lightning (see the photo from the installation below), with each camera covering approximately 23 spots. A single gateway with GSM/LTE modem is enough to provide data connectivity for these cameras, while the maximum data flow could be reduced to 20 GB / month, thanks to our efficient advanced compression algorithms. This not only reduced the operational costs of the whole solution but also eliminated further fixed costs for potential implementation of physical internet connection. If necessary, data flow could potentially be reduced even more with real-time data being processed locally. The installation itself took only two hours, with the use of a forklift truck. ParkingDetection now not only monitors the maximal length of parking for every single vehicle on this parking lot but also provides with data about the actual occupancy for Cantú’s navigation tables.

Is there a similar parking lot also in your city? Do you want a highly effective solution for its monitoring, at very affordable prices? We would be more than happy to make a proposition that will best fit the needs of your project. Contact us.